a Lazy girl’s guide to fitness

You want to lose weight, you want to get fit but life just keeps throwing constant obstacles in your way….After-all, how are you supposed to find the time and energy to exercise and plan nutritious and delicious meals with a full-time job, kids in the house, next to no sleep and endless chores on your to-do list???

It is so easy to have good intentions, and have a plan “to start on Monday” but when it comes to the crunch, are you going to ‘walk the walk’ so to speak and grit your teeth and focus on your goals, or are you going to hit that snooze button, text your trainer to cancel and make a justification in your head as to why you just can’t get that work-out done today.

If you want to make excuses, you will find them.  Let me help you to get serious and conquer those barriers by start sneaking healthy habits into your day.  And in no time these small changes ensures big improvements in your overall health.

Who said exercise should only be done in a gym?

Watch Game of Thrones series on a stability ball.  

Stability balls keep you unbalanced when using it, forcing your core to do extra work to keep you stabilised.

Whenever possible, stand instead of sitting down.

If you sit for long durations at a time, your body starts to shut down at the metabolic level.

The main fat burning enzymes responsible for breaking down fat simply starts shutting down.  

If you sit for a full day those fat burners drop by 50%, says Dr James Levine, author of “Move a lot, Lose a Lot”.

Shop till you drop

…a size, that is.

The steps you take during a shopping spree for an hour (while carrying bags of new outfits) can burn 400kJ.  

Ditch the escalator and elevator and use stairs.

And while waiting in queues, do some calf raises to really feel the burn – some multi-tasking for you.

Laughter is the best medicine, aka exercise

The International Journal of Obesity found that laughter really is a diet pill.

Researchers found that laughing increases heart rate and kilojoule expenditure by up to 20 percent.  Then 15 minutes of laughter a day will burn 42 to 167 kJ.  Is that not good news…?

Who says workouts can’t be done in less than 5 minutes?

Tweaking can do the trick to get you started.  Follow this no-sweat advise and you’ll never quit.